How to Identify Auto Hail Damage in a Car?

Coryne Rich • July 5, 2022

You walk out one morning and are stunned to see dents on your car. While you were asleep last night, your vehicle was taking a hail beating on the driveway. Unfortunately, there is more than meets the eye. American Dent Specialists suggest the four most susceptible places for hail damage so you can estimate how much the repair will cost you.

Peripheral objects

External car components such as side mirrors and lights are the most vulnerable to damage during a hail storm. Furthermore, since their composition is delicate with small parts combined, they are likely to harm easily. A severe hail storm can altogether separate the side mirrors from the vehicle. 

However, the most damaged is borne by the joints. American Dent Specialists will assess the mirrors for their complete range of visions and compare the two sides for any long-term damage. Furthermore, our auto hail damage repair also includes checking their rotary functions. Thus, performing an all-in-one analysis as part of our hail damage car repair cost.


After checking the peripheral components, carefully walk close to the car. We say “carefully” because there might be shards of glass on the floor. But from where? The most costly component of auto hail damage repair is fixing the glass. The car doors and windshields will completely shatter even with the slightest crack. The internal air pressure will break the glass into bits, endangering the health of car passengers.


The vehicle uses white safety glass, which does not break into sharp edges. However, we still advise keeping a safe distance from a cracked windshield. Immediately bring the car to American Dent Specialists and have our mechanics address the cracks urgently.


Even though broken glass is the most harmful, dents are the most common result of auto hail damage. They are also the chief complaints regarding hail damage repair. The dents depend on the frequency of the storms, their severity, and the hail size.

Hail storms are infamous for leaving circle-shaped dents on the roof, hood, or bonnet. The side panels may also dent if the hail storms had a tilted current. Unfortunately, hail damage repair involving car doors is costly.

Another component that contributes to hail damage repair costs is the metal thickness of the car. A lightweight metal commonly found in modern vehicles is less prone to bend than steel. However, steel is easier to mold and repair. It is good thing insurance covers comprehensive details regarding hail damage repair.


The most dents a car will sustain are on its hood and roof. The marks become more visible when seen under a reflective surface. 

Do not be fooled by the absence of dents after a hail storm. Even though they aren’t any visible dents, micro-dents have damaged the car. You can run your hand smoothly and slowly over the car body to identify minute marks invisible to the human eye. They will feel like an indented slope or dimples. You can use a mobile torchlight to discover its placement. If you still don’t feel any dents, lucky you!

Are you unsure about the extent of auto hail damage repair to your car?

If the answer is yes, call American Dent Specialists for expert advice. We are hail damage repair professionals in identifying and mending minor dents. Even though you identified the hail damage, there is much more to be done.

American Dent Specialists will provide you with a cost estimate before communicating it to the insurance company. Rest assured, our quote is accurate. We perform a thorough assessment to repair any dent caused by miserable weather. Our repair services prevent dust and paint chipping in the future.

Contact American Dent Specialists via phone or email or simply visit our workshop. 

August 26, 2022
Every year, hailstorms damage hundreds of cars. These common natural disasters damage several cars during a thunderstorm. The helplessness one feels while watching hailstones fall on our vehicles resulting in multiple dents and dings, is one of the worst feelings ever. Each popping of ice resembles the sound of another $50 bill added to the repair cost. However, people who have bought insurance claims can relax, even after looking at the dents and marks on their cars. Hail dents have a significant impact on the resale value of the vehicle. Moreover, they cause frustration and agitation. Since the insurance companies cover car repair costs, car owners do not worry about scratches. Tips for auto hail damage Hailstorms damage hundreds of cars. Even though the damages are repairable, they leave anxiety and stress among owners. Here, we discuss some tips for dealing with hail damage. Inform Your Insurer Since you can claim insurance for the damages, you must first notify your insurance company of the hail damages. Since hailstorms are natural, you do not have to worry about the costs if you have auto insurance. However, auto insurance companies may refer a specific auto hail repair shop to fix the damages. Repair The Damage Immediately Once you have notified the insurer, make sure you start repair work immediately. Waiting for the hail season to be over before fixing your hail damages is a big mistake. Apart from the rust that would settle on your car, a second storm can even ruin the current state of your vehicle. Cars metal has a limit to tolerate damages. If left untreated, it may not even be in a repairable condition. It is better to fix the dents immediately to ensure that your car does not lose its value and shape. Do Not Try DIY techniques. Many people try DIY techniques to save money. However, people do not understand that these techniques can affect the resale value of their vehicles. Hairdryers, dry ice, or any other method to fix the dents can worsen the car's current state. It is advisable not to try any attempt at homes to fic hail damages. Seek Professional Help Reaching out to an expert is always a great idea. Professionals have all the tools and knowledge of techniques to repair the damages caused during a hailstorm. Their experience in auto hail repair would help you bring the car to its original state. Ways to protect your vehicles during hailstorms Hailstorm is a natural occurrence. However, any destruction caused during the storm is uncontrollable. There are specific ways to protect your property from any damage. Let us discuss some ways to protect your cars from hail damage. · Buy a Car cover- A car cover can protect your car from scratches and dents, especially when hailstones fall. It is better to cover your vehicle to protect it from hailstones. · Weather app- With the advancement of technology, one can receive predictions about the weather before any natural calamity causes severe damage. Similarly, installing weather applications can help you know about the weather in the upcoming days and weeks and warn about natural disasters like thunderstorms before they hit the area. · Find a temporary shelter- If you do not have a garage, you may install a carport to save your car from damage. The Bottom Line Auto body shops are the perfect places to repair dents and damages your vehicles undergo during a hailstorm. However many insurance companies suggest DIY techniques to save costs, but these methods can harm your vehicles. Therefore, car owners must seek experts' help fixing car dents caused by hailstorms.
hail damage auto body shop
By Coryne Rich August 24, 2022
Hailstones damage thousands of vehicles during a thunderstorm. When a hailstorm pops up, and you have left your car parked on the streets, you may experience severe auto hail damage. Hailstones can easily scrape the car's paint and damage its overall look. However, there are ways to escape such nasty experiences and relieve yourself from the constant stress of hail damage. Here, we discuss some questions people often ask when their cars experience hail damage. How long will the insurer take for a hail damage estimate? Mostly, insurers take 30 to 45 minutes for a detailed inspection of your car. The estimator follows a format that allows him to identify the hail damages and their severity. They take time to answer questions that you may have related to the hail damage and its repair. They gather information required for the process of answering a hail damage claim before heading to the auto body shop near me. How Long Will It Take To Fix Hail Damages? Repairing dents on the car depends on the severity of the hailstorm and the damage to your vehicle. The repair time for light scratches and dents may range between one to three days. However, if the marks are severe, it may take 2 to 3 weeks because the damages may need some replacement and touchups. What should you do after filing your auto hail claim? Once you have filed an auto hail damage insurance claim, the company will take care of the process. Your claim will not take more than a few days. Since you have purchased comprehensive coverage, you do not need to worry about the payment because insurance companies cover hail damages when car owners buy comprehensive coverage. However, if car owners have not purchased comprehensive coverage, they must pay for the damages from their pocket. How to prevent your car from hail damage? Prevention is better than cure. Similarly, the smallest prevention can save your vehicle from severe damage. During hailstorms, everyone wishes to protect their cars from damage. Parking your car inside the garage under shade can prevent dents and other scratches. You can install a carport if you do not have a garage. Although it may cost a little, it would save your car from hail damage. Why should you hire an auto body shop to repair hail damages? Since your insurance company would pay for the damages, they would convince you to try ways to repair the cracks at home. They would look for ways to minimize the hail damage repair cost because they will be responsible for paying that claim. You may also consult a roofing contractor to calculate the damage repair costs. However, remember that you would rely on people with minimal restoration experience. The only person who could help you here is a hail damage expert. Therefore, looking for services with relevant experience in the field is essential and assures desirable results at reasonable costs. How to Find an Auto Hail Damage Repair? Looking for auto body shop services nearby is not challenging. However, how determining the right company may seem difficult. Multiple auto body shop companies claim to be the best. However, you could only determine if the claim is valid by considering some essential elements while searching for the best repair service. Here, we have listed some critical factors you must consider to find the right hail-repair company near you. · Look for referrals · Online research · Feedback The Bottom Line If your car was stuck in a hailstorm and needs repair, contact American Dent Specialists . We specialize in hail damage repair processes and use modern techniques to retain the original state of your car without compromising on its resale value. Log on to our webpage to connect with our representative to find more details about auto-hail damage repairs.
hail damage repair
August 22, 2022
Because hail might come down without prior notice, there is no way to get ready for it. If the rain that has fallen is heavy enough with the storm, it may cause damage t o your property, particularly your roof. On the other hand, there are instances in which the damage caused by hail is not as severe as it first appears, and it does not leave behind any roof damage. If you are confused about whether the storm has caused damage to your roof, there are several warning signs of your destruction from rain that you may look out for. 1. Bushes and trees that have been destroyed: Do the bushes that surround your property seem like they've been smashed to pieces? If the landscape surrounding your home has been harmed and is in poor condition, there is a considerable probability that the hail that fell was strong enough to cause damage to your roof. 2. Downspouts or drains that have dents in them: If the hailstorm is severe enough to damage your roof, it is a good chance that it will also affect your gutters and drain system. If there are significant dents or tears in any part of your drainage systems, you should probably have a roofing expert look at your roof. 3. Your air conditioner and mailbox should be checked: Aluminum fins are used to construct the condenser coil that may be found inside air conditioning machines. These fins protrude from the unit where they are located. The fins will get bowed, and airflow through them will cease if hail is allowed to strike them. In addition, you need to inspect your mailbox to see whether there are any significant dents in it. The marks or cuts in your mailbox and breakage to your air conditioner indicate that your roof has been damaged. 4. Destruction of sidings: Use a flashlight to check your home’s sidings and window frames for dents and dings. If any of these areas are damaged, it strongly indicates that your roof may also need repair. 5. Hail's size and shape: A wide range of possible forms that hail can take when it falls. If you step outside after a thunderstorm and the hail is around a quarter of an inch in size or less, there is a good chance that your roof did not sustain any damage. Now, if the hail is the size of a tennis ball or more extensive, you might want to be worried about the potential destruction to your roof. In this case, the size of the hail should be taken into consideration. It never fails to strike when you least anticipate it, no matter how careful you are. The most frustrating aspect of the situation is that you can't predict how much destruction will be caused by the hail. After you have spoken with your insurance agent and an adjuster has determined that there is damage to your roof, you should make sure to call Americandentspecialistsauto body shop and hail damage center. You won't even have time to register our arrival, and we'll have the task completed in the most efficient manner possible. Final Thoughts: For several years, Americandentspecialists have helped customers with hail damage. Whether you're looking for an auto body shop, storm damage prevention ideas, or have already suffered storm damage, Americandentspecialists can help you get your life back to normal as quickly as possible. They're dedicated to helping you be ready when the unexpected happens. The caring, skilled, and trustworthy domestic restoration professionals in difficulties relating to hail damage, problems with auto body cars, storms, personal property, or even for your workplaces. You may reach an Americandentspecialist by calling the number on their website at any time of the day or night, any day of the week, or any day of the year. If you are looking for a car body shop, contact them at any of our locations if you want restoration services for damage caused by a storm.
By Coryne Rich August 18, 2022
Car owners face auto hail damage frequently. If you live in Texas or Colorado, the damage is a routine part of the line. However, there are a few misconceptions associated with it. Today we discuss the common mistakes to help you save money on repair 1. Delaying repair Even though some may consider hail damage a simple procedure, one may wonder about its expense. If you think the barely noticeable damage is only a few hundred dollars, we have some very bad news for you. The first mistake you can make is estimating the damage wrongly. When you take the car to an auto body car shop, they will easily provide a quote estimate between five to eight thousand dollars. The savings account will take a major dent, too, pun intended! We understand you love your car. Therefore, take the $500 to $1000 deductible to stay ahead of the damage. You can thank us later! 2. Waiting for the right season Another mistake car owners make is waiting for the right season to take their car to the collision center. Law dictates when the vehicle is taken for auto hail damage repair for two separate storms in one trip, they are engaging in fraud. Most people are unaware of this proviso, but now you know! Another thing to consider is the second hail storm will aggravate the damage caused by the initial hail. The sequence can make the car unrepairable when you take it to the auto body paint shop. The car’s exterior is already vulnerable. Remember, readers, each ride you delay repairing, you are driving a damaged vehicle endangering you and your family. Penny for your thought? 3. Calling insurance immediately Human logic provokes us to call the insurance agent right after the incident. Most car owners involve their insurance companies because they have been loyal clients for years. If you take that route, you are becoming part of a waiting list. You will idly waste time for weeks or days for an estimator to visit. Each day your loss grows had you taken the car to the auto paint shop. Foremost, the estimator will present a minimum payout for the damage. The estimate is a thorough procedure that is performed in the correct environment. Therefore, you are experiencing a devalued vehicle with a less-than-ideal insurance settlement. We suggest taking the vehicle to the car body shop for an accurate estimate. 4. Increased Premium Let us discuss another very typical insurance-related misconception which results in financial losses. Even though the hail storm is a natural cause, it does not make it applicable for an increased rate. The insurance provides collision services activated when you take your car to the auto collision repair center. Therefore, it comes under the comprehensive coverage already available at the insurance. After all, the hail hit you; you didn’t hit the hail. 5. Everyone knows how to do PDR The auto body paint shop will use paintless dent repair or paintless dent removal to repair the vehicle. The method does not require primers, sanding, fillers, or grinding. The professional does not need to sculpt the damage and paint it. It would help if you learned about PDR because sometimes the crack is large enough that a conventional collision center cannot repair it. PDR uses special tools to massage the metal into its original place. The restoration does not harm the original paint. It provides the same finish as the original look. As a result, your vehicle is restored by the car body shop at its market value. Therefore, browse the market for established experts. Hire American Dent Specialists for PDR American Dent Specialists is a professional auto collision repair center. We will get you the required help right away. Furthermore, we will also arrange a rental car if your insurance doesn’t cover it. Lastly, American Dent Specialists also take care of the paperwork, insurance, and other headaches. Call us at 261-660-3178 to schedule an appointment.
car body shop
By Coryne Rich August 17, 2022
A car accident can seriously damage your car, especially if you don't get the repairs done quickly and by an auto body shop that knows what they're doing. The last thing you want to do is rush into an auto body shop without doing your research or knowing exactly what you're looking for in an auto body shop, or else you could run into these five common mistakes when choosing an auto body shop. Don't work with shops that don't handle insurance claims. One of the most common mistakes people make when choosing an auto body shop is working with a shop that doesn't handle insurance claims. This can be a huge hassle and cost you more money in the long run. An excellent way to avoid this mistake is to do your research before going to any shops, get referrals from friends or family, and have a list of questions ready for them. It may seem overkill, but it will save you time and headaches. You should also try to find out if they work on all types of vehicles since not all body shops are equipped to work on foreign cars or luxury vehicles. Don't go with a shop that doesn't value customer service Finding a paint and body shop that values customer service is essential. You don't want to go with a shop that doesn't have your best interests in mind. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when choosing an auto body shop: · Not getting an estimate in writing · Not checking if the shop is certified by your car's manufacturer · Not asking about the warranty · Not looking at the final product before you leave · Paying with cash only · Not getting everything in writing Don't pick a shop based on price alone Many people choose their paint and body shop based on price alone. However, this can be a mistake. The cheapest option may not always be the best option. You should consider other factors such as the quality of the work, the experience of the staff, and the shop's reputation before making your decision. When choosing the right car paint and body shop, there are many things to consider. Research different shops in your area and ask friends or family members if they have any recommendations. Remember that the cheapest is not always the best! Do pay attention to reviews. Yes, reviews are a great way to get a feel for whether or not a business is reputable. But don't just focus on the star rating. Instead, read some reviews to see what people say about their experiences. This will give you a better idea of what to expect should you decide to use this particular shop. It's also a good idea to check out other customer reviews. That way, you'll know if other customers had similar issues handled differently by this auto body shop. If so, consider going somewhere else where your expectations will be met more adequately. Know what your repair covers Before you start shopping around for a body shop, know what your insurance will and won't cover. Will your policy cover the entire cost of the repair? If not, how much will you have to pay out of pocket? It's essential to understand your coverage so you can budget accordingly clearly. Don't just choose the first body shop you find (three sentences): With so many body shops, it can be tempting to go with the first one you see. But this is a big mistake! Take your time to research and compare your options before making a decision.
hail damage repair
By Coryne Rich August 16, 2022
Hailstorms usually bring dents to a vehicle. At times, these dents are hardly noticeable, but sometimes, there is obvious hail damage. Most car owners do not let the pro fessionals solve the dent repair issue, due to which they face many problems, including high cost. They think that the damage done to their vehicle is small, but it affects the value of your car if not handled in the right way. Therefore, choosing a reliable auto body shop that can fix your hail-damaged car properly is always recommended. Here are some common mistakes according to an auto paint shop when it comes to hail-damaged car repair. Many repair technicians face such mistakes when the vehicle owner brings the car to their shop. Let’s have a look at those mistakes. • Ignoring the car dents One of the most common mistakes that car owners make is that they ignore the damage done to their cars due to hail. They think a few dents on their vehicle may be repaired afterward, so why waste money now. But do keep in mind that these dents may affect the integrity of your vehicle, hence decreasing its value and ruining your investment. A few hundred dollars that could be spent on your hail-damaged car may turn into thousands of dollars. At times, the car owners need to sell their cars, and when a buyer sees such dents, they demand a low price. In this way, the car resale value becomes reduced. Therefore, the hail damage done to your car should not be ignored and should be fixed as soon as possible. • Not filing a claim with an insurance company Most people make a mistake and do not file a claim considering that the hail damage to a car is a no-fault claim. After a hail damages your car, it is always better to file a claim with your insurance company so your vehicle can be covered against the damage. • Trying DIY hail damage repair Another common hail damage repair mistake that people make is to try DIY hail damage repair techniques. In traditional or DIY methods, you can use a hammer to remove dents from the surface of your car. This method is costly and results in the car paint cracking or may leave your car with color differences. This is the reason that it is always recommended to go for a paintless dent repair technique. PDR is a cheaper and faster method and can retain the value of your car. American Dent Specialist is a reliable auto body paint shop where you can get this service. • Considering all auto paint shops are the same Considering all auto paint shops are the same is a common mistake that people make, but this is an entirely mistaken view. You need to search for an auto paint shop near me and check the experience of the company. Getting details of their experience will help you get to know whether you are working with an experienced auto paint shop or not.
August 12, 2022
Hail storms damage thousands of cars every year. You would be surprised to hear auto hail damage repair is sometimes one-quarter of the tool insurance complaints. The insurance policies cover the damages resulting from a hail storm. However, these plans carry huge deductibles. Now the question arises what happens if the auto body shop quote is larger than the insurance payout. There are solutions to the course. Here is everything you must read about fixing dents repair without paying anything: Insurance According to the collision repair center, the average cost of dent repair is $6,500. It is a fair estimate compared to what you may think. However, for the insurance company to comply, you must enroll in comprehensive coverage. Opt for fill insurance if you live in an area that commonly faces hail storms. Remember, readers, follow the insurance claim immediately after the incident. When you contact the insurance company after a huge hail storm, they will likely believe you more because of the circumstances. Otherwise, it will take along longer for the claim to process. The estimator may take weeks to stop buying When to file the claim? Waiting to file a claim after the hail is over is also a mistake. The second storm will damage the car severely, resulting in more dents. Taking the vehicle to an auto body shop for repair after two showers is considered insurance fraud. It may result in fines. Furthermore, the damage from the first storm will be considered pre-existing damages. It will lower your insurance claim severely. Therefore, timely compliance is necessary. Maintain evidence In addition to filling the claim sooner than later, it is wise to take pictures of the damage to counteract the pre-existing requirements. You can present the proof to the insurance investigator if he questions your intentions. You can also work with a company that can handle insurance claims efficiently. They will help you with the entire process, so you do not have to worry about the lawsuit. Which collision repair center did you pick? The insurance company recommending a car body shop is not ordinary. However, you do not have to comply. It is advised to find your auto collision repair center to provide you with a quote. The car body shop you pick will provide the services you seek. For example, the mechanics will use PDR with special tools to restore the car to its original glory. The process does not require sanding or priming. Unfortunately, larger dents require traditional healing. The process uses sanding, grinding, and fillers to remove the mark through patching. However, the client always opts for PDR at the auto collision repair center to withstand its value. Problems surface when the insurance estimate is less than the car body shop quote. The difference occurs when the investigator does not account for numerous factors when calculating the insurance claim. American Dent Specialists work with insurance companies to provide an accurate estimate. We will restore your vehicle to its original shape. Our procedural pipeline ensures supplemental claims to cover the difference. We are pleased to give our clients the honor as a testament to our value-added auto paint shop services. Deductibles Comprehensive insurance policies come with a deductible—these range between $500 to $2000. Unfortunately, they cannot forgo the deductibles when the policy is part of the direct repair. This is because the payments will help the car repair. The insurance company will pay for the repairs minus the deductibles. However, a cooperative insurance provider will recover the deductibles from their profit. As a result, all costs are converted, and you pay nothing for dent removal. Is Zero Auto Hail damage real? American Dent Specialists will care for your inspection, estimator, repair, and deductibles. Our mechanics will answer any questions regarding the repair process and cost estimation. We are the best auto paint shop near me. Visit our website to read the reviews.
By Coryne Rich August 11, 2022
When buying a used car, whether, from a dealership or a private party, you first want to take the vehicle to an auto body shop and have it inspected for hail damage. A car damaged by hail will have dents and scratches on the exterior and interior damage from water intrusion from broken windows or damaged air conditioning units. However, purchasing any car with hail damages have pros and cons—let's look at some of the things you should consider. Things to consider · The first thing you should do is find out how much the repairs will cost. If the cost of repairs is more than the car's value, it's probably not worth it. · Hail damage can affect a car's resale value, so if you're planning on selling the vehicle in the future, you'll want to consider that. -If your insurance doesn't cover hail damage, this could be an opportunity for you to get a lower monthly premium. · It might be worth buying a car with hail damage if it has already been lowered due to its condition. · You may also decide to go ahead with the purchase if you have money set aside to buy a new car or repair damages. · Lastly, consider that slight dents can be repaired relatively easily when looking at cars with hail damage. · Buying a car with hail damage is up to you, but most people don't think it's worth it because of all the risks involved. How old is the car? A car that's a few years old with hail damage may have already depreciated, so the damage may not have as big of an impact on the price. Plus, you may be able to negotiate a lower price since the hail damage will need to be repaired. On the other hand, if the car is brand new, the hail damage will likely significantly impact both the price and resale value. In this case, it might be worth waiting for another car. Additionally, hail-damaged cars usually require more repairs than those without hail damage. If your budget can't handle these repairs or wait for them to occur before purchasing the vehicle, it might not be worth buying a car with hail damage. For instance, if you're looking at buying a $30,000 car and hail damage would cost an additional $6,000 to repair after purchase, it might not be worth the extra expense. Who will repair the damages? One of the first things you'll need to consider if yo  u're considering buying a car with hail damage is who will repair it. Depending on the severity of the damage, this could be something you can do yourself, or you may need to take it to a professional. If you're handy with tools and have some experience working on cars, you may be able to save yourself some money by repairing the hail damage yourself. However, if the damage is more severe, it's probably best to leave it to the professionals. Also, remember that most insurance companies won't cover any damages caused by hail storms. So, before buying a car with hail damage, talk to your insurance company first! How many dents were there in total? If you're considering buying a car with hail damage, you'll first want to assess the damage's extent. A few dents here and there may not be a big deal, but if the car is covered in dents, it could sign more severe problems. Plus, if the insurance company has already paid for the repairs (as they will cover the cost up to $1000), then that means that whoever owned the car before had to pay for all those damages out-of-pocket - meaning they weren't insured. The Bottom Line If you are looking for an auto hail damage service, contact the American Dental Specialists to repair hail damages.
auto hail insurance
By Coryne Rich August 10, 2022
Auto collision repair can be costly if you've ever had your car damaged in an accident. It's essential to do everything you can to ensure that your insurance company covers the damages and that you can get the most out of your policy. With this in mind, here are five steps to ensure you receive the full coverage you deserve on your hail damage repair insurance case. Get an Insurance Adjuster If you want your hail damage repairs covered by insurance, the first step is to get an insurance adjuster. You can find an insurance adjuster through your insurance company or hire a Collision Services Houston company like Auto Body Shop Houston. Once you have an insurance adjuster, they will inspect your car for hail damage and give you an estimate of the repairs. The cost of the repairs may be too high for you to pay, so the insurance company will reimburse you with money from their claim against the at-fault driver's insurer. Step 2: Get an Auto Body Shop: When it comes time to repair your car, you'll need a reliable auto body shop in Houston. Take Photos from Every Angle You must take photos of the hail damage from every angle. This will help your insurance company understand the full extent of the damage. Be sure to take close-up pictures of any dents or chipped paint. You should also take photos of the damaged area of the rest of the car. For example, if the hail damaged the hood, take a photo of the entire hood, not just a close-up of the dents. The same applies to other car areas - take pictures from as many angles as possible. These images will make it easier for Collision Services Houston and Auto Body Paint Shop (and Car Body Shop) to provide you with an accurate estimate. Measure Damage After the hail storm has passed, it's time to assess the damage. This is best done by taking your car to an auto body shop or car body shop. The professionals there will be able to give you an estimate of the repairs needed. Be sure to get more than one estimate to compare prices. Once you've decided which auto body paint shop to go with, they'll take care of all the paperwork and start repairing your vehicle as soon as possible. Get an Estimate for the Hail Damage Repair After you've documented the hail damage with photos or video, it's time to get an estimate for the repairs. This is important for two reasons: first, your insurance company will need an estimate to process your claim; second, you'll need to know how much money you're looking at to decide whether or not to go through with the repairs. We recommend working with a contractor specializing in hail damage repair, as they'll be able to provide accurate estimates based on their experience repairing past damages. The cost of this step depends on what repairs are needed (for example, if the car needs body work too), but most times, an estimate should only cost $150-$200 (some insurers may require an inspection fee before they'll offer any payment). Obtain Documentation from the Insurance Company You will need to follow these steps to obtain the proper documentation from your insurance company. First, you will need to take pictures of the damaged property and list all the damages. Next, you must contact your insurance company and file a claim. Be sure to have your policy number and the date of the loss handy when you call. The insurance company will then send someone to inspect the damage. Once the adjuster has inspected the damage, they will provide you with an estimate of the repairs needed. Finally, you will need to sign a release form authorizing the repairs. The Bottom Line The American Dental Specialists is a leading company that deals with collision repairs and paint and auto repairs. We specialize in hail damage repair processes and use modern techniques to retain the original state of your car without compromising on its resale value. Log on to our webpage to connect with our representative to find more details about auto-hail damage repairs.
By Coryne Rich July 5, 2022
Auto-hail damage repair can be expensive depending on the severity of the dents and damages caused during a hailstorm. Since the cost is high, many people often attempt to repair the damaged car themselves. However, DIY techniques to repair hail damage can further harm your vehicle. It is essential to seek experts' assistance to repair the damage and restore the car to its original state.
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